Inpatient Education
We provide support and education during your stay, helping to prepare you and your partner for the transition back home.
Our dedicated team of midwives and mothercraft nurses are available to support you during your stay with us. They will provide one-to-one support and have a wealth of experience in all aspects of postnatal care including bathing, feeding and settling your baby, and caring for yourself.
Paediatrician visit
If your baby is 'well', it will be seen by our team of Paediatricians in the days after it is born. The Paediatricians will visit you each day during your stay and you will be invoiced after discharge (majority claimable from Medicare) with a maximum of $250 out-of-pocket. ‘Unwell’ babies will be allocated a Paediatrician responsible for their care in the Special Care Nursery.
Our experienced physiotherapists are available to offer advice, helping to speed up your recovery after birth.
Social Workers
Social Workers are available for you and your partner. They provide counselling as well as information on stress management and coping strategies. Our Social Workers also have a wide knowledge of community contacts and support services.
Hearing Screening
As part of NSW State Wide Infant Screening Hearing Program (SWISH), babies born at Gosford Private will receive a hearing screening test either before being discharged or shortly after at a location near your home. SWISH will contact families directly to organise this visit.
You will be given information regarding all relevant follow up appointments for you and your baby.